How to Have Faith in Your Path (Even When It Feels Like Nothing is Working)

Having faith in your path can feel tough, especially when it seems like nothing is working out—or, arguably even tougher, when it feels like things are going backward.

In these moments, it's tempting to relinquish your faith and side with fear. I've seen (and experienced) so many versions of this.

Why Losing Faith in Your Path Feels So Painful, and Why That's a Good Thing

Being low/out of faith can manifest in different ways, including:

  • Feeling extremely frustrated with yourself and wondering what is wrong with you.
  • Feeling irritated by or jealous of those who seem to be succeeding in the area you want to.
  • Questioning all your beliefs—and sometimes even chiding the part of you that dares to dream.
  • Feeling all of the above and then judging yourself for it, leading to guilt and frustration.

If you've been here, you know how painful this state can be. But know this: this pain is intentional. This pain has a sacred purpose. That is to motivate you to let go of what is not truly you, so you can step into the truest version of yourself.

Why the Journey to Your Dreams Isn’t Instant

If you're like most people, you wish you could skip the hard parts and go straight to your dream life. Whether your vision includes:

  • Becoming more abundant so you can be more giving.
  • Gaining recognition to share your most soulful work.
  • Feeling inner peace so you can enjoy life and relationships more.

…it’s natural to want it to happen effortlessly. Many of us hope that if we pray, journal, or visualize enough, our dreams will swiftly and seamlessly fall into place.

I'm not saying that’s impossible, but in most cases, that’s not how it pans out. And for good reason.

What’s Actually Happening When Life Feels Like It’s Going Backward

When you call in something new—a job, a state of being, a relationship, visibility, etc.—you’re also inviting the Universe to shape you into the version of yourself who can hold that reality.

Without this period of expansion and growth, you wouldn’t have the capacity to sustain your dreams.

So when it feels like things are going backward, keep this at the forefront of your mind:

You are not being punished. You are not being forgotten. You are being built.

How to Stay Grounded in Faith When Doubt Creeps In

Instead of searching endlessly for something to fix, trust that life will naturally present the lessons you need. Your role is to:

Stay present in your daily life– Witness what arises, both the challenges and the opportunities.

Embody the values of your truest self– Respond to situations in alignment with the person you are becoming.

Notice fear without reacting– Observe where fear shows up and practice responding from a centered place.

Be compassionate with yourself– You don’t need to be perfect. Just do your best to honor your values.

A Meditation to Reconnect with Yourself

If it feels supportive, I have a meditation for coming back to yourself that you may like to use at the end of the day (or whenever you feel called).

Or, if you prefer more direct support, feel free to message me here.

Sending love,
