You Can Create Your Future & Embrace The Moment

. 2 min read

You can enjoy the present moment and have desires for a more aligned future.

The key is your relationship with both: your relationship with the present and your relationship with the future.

So long as the future brings you expansion and joy, you may consider that the Universe's nod of approval regarding continuing to spend time thinking about the future. That means, if you feel like it, go on and continue to engage in future self scribing, visualizing, daydreaming, creating vision boards, or strategizing your next best steps.

Now, the moment you notice yourself clinging to the future in any which way

—which often feels like stress in your body (i.e. tightness in your chest or belly), and can sound in your mind like, "I really need this to happen... But what if it doesn't? Oh god, don't think about that or you'll jinx it. Just keep visualizing!"—

whenever you notice any of this crop up, this is your cue to come back to the present moment.

There is so much expansion to be had in the here and now, and we can really and truly trust our own minds and bodies to signal to us when it's time to get back here, to the now. And, as we do, we can invite the Universe to step in and do its job of helping us lead the lives our soul desires.

We should not expect ourselves to always be in the future, nor always in the present. This is akin to expecting ourselves to always be in our masculine or feminine energy, or to always be at work or always on the beach.

Instead, we deserve to allow ourselves to dance between the two with ease, by simply being mindful of how we're relating to the present/future.

As someone who's writing this to you from a season of being very present-focused, here are a few quotes I absolutely love about the beauty of being grounded here in the now.

“Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom.”
-Benjamin Franklin

" about keeping in mind that you live right now, allowing yourself to focus on the moment and appreciate the life you lead, to focus on all that you do have.”
-Meik Wiking

“Your dream can be realized right in the present moment. You live your life in such a way that every step in the right direction and every breath along the way becomes the realization of your dream. Your dream does not take you away from the present; on the contrary, your dream becomes reality in the present moment.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh

As you dance with embracing the moment and connecting to your most aligned future, remember that the key lies in staying mindful of how you are feeling—and then tweaking your focus as needed for optimal expansive energy.

If you feel called to explore this further, my 1:1 coaching program offers personalized guidance to help you build a life that feels both easeful and purposeful. Reach out here.