
Jumpstart Your Dreams Masterclass

90-minute free class and short book to help you kick off the process of calling in your dreams. Learn more here.

21-Day Manifestation Challenge

Get unstuck and call in what you've been desiring. Learn more here.

Calm Money

Heal your relationship with money and allow it to flow into your life with grace and ease. Learn more here.

1:1 Coaching

Coaching for teenagers. Learn more here.

Coaching for women. Learn more here.


Lea L.

Listen to Lea's testimonial here.

"I’ve had such beautiful experiences working with Mackenzie. She embodies a sacred, gentle, present energy, and has this ability to really witness you, and facilitate creative breakthroughs. I personally did Reiki and Coaching with her, which are different modalities, but both gave me such blessed experiences I’m so grateful for.

Her approach is really necessary, especially for people who need calm, who need space away from the hustle of the world. She brings this feeling to the session that you can reach the things you’re dreaming of, while moving more into the wholeness and beauty of your own particular soul, without having to get bogged down, or caught up in the grind, or the unnecessary noise from the outside, which is so present around us—even in the healing space sometimes.

I really recommend working with Mackenzie. It’s truly a divine experience that will have you opening up to portals of spirituality, deeper consciousness, and awareness of your own self. I’ve gotten so many insights into my own being and into the uniqueness of who I am, which has allowed me to release some of the blockages that I had in the way of taking my next best steps—and helped me move through the world in a more present, gracious, beautiful way." -Lea L.

Susana S.

"Being able to work with Mackenzie was very profound for me. It was one of the most productive, and, at the same time, one of the most grounded experiences that I have had as an adult. I showed myself that the goals I had written down, but had been too afraid to execute on, were very much within my reach; that all I needed was to set myself a timeline and hold myself accountable for the things that I know in my heart I really want to do. Thank you, Mackenzie, for the beautiful experience." -Susana S.

Corporate Wellness Programs

Program may be tailored to your company's needs—whether you're looking for a workshop to increase education for your employees, or direct services to rejuvenate your employees/guests/clients, or a mixture of both, we can create the perfect, custom package for you. Contact here to discuss further.

Holistic Healing Modalities

Yoga Nidra

Try a free session right away. Click here.


"That was incredibly refreshing and relaxing. Just what I needed this weekend. Thanks for an amazing session and sharing this experience with us." -Joshua H.
"The nidra class was amazing!!!" -Stef K.
"This was my first experience with Yoga Nidra. Set up suggestions were perfect and I loved your voice. That is a big part of yoga for me." -Donna K.


Distance energy healing sessions. Learn more here.


“Mackenzie is a true vessel for source energy. She creates a sacred space to hold, witness and allow healing to pass through. My energy sessions with her were magical moments of deep insight into my soul. I look forward to more encounters with her special resonance.” -Lea L.