How to Heal Through Intention, Energy, and Surrender

. 3 min read

A few mornings ago, I woke up with a wicked migraine and backache. Instantly, my mind went to “the flu.” While that may be the 3D explanation, I knew there was more to it. My body was sending me a message.

Trained as I am in Reiki and somatic healing, I’ve learned to recognize that physical symptoms stem from unaddressed wounds that become energetic imbalances. Over the past few days, I had been in a lower vibration. In an attempt to bring me the nourishment I needed to raise my vibration, my soul had asked me, in its gentle whisper of a fashion, for true downtime. But I opted instead for screentime.

(I am not a purist—I've nothing against enjoying television, at all! There is absolutely a time and a place for it. But when you feel the intuitive pull toward true stillness, to time outdoors—that's what you're being called to honour for a reason.)

Because I resisted what was being asked of me, I woke up feeling unwell, and I knew this was the Universe's way of guiding me back into connection with myself.

Recognizing the Need for Nervous System Nourishment

The pain in my body was so intense that I knew I couldn’t work as usual. Instead, I was forced to sit with the discomfort I had been avoiding. My Higher Self, the one that comes through in coaching and healing sessions, understands that presence with what is and surrender are nearly always necessary for healing, and yet, like all of us, the human in me can be resistant to what I know is in my best interest.

When I had no choice, I wrapped myself in a blanket, sat down on my couch, and did some work, with healing frequency music on in the background.

Eventually, I received the intuitive hit to take a gentle walk—sans technology. Despite initial resistance, I decided to spend 20 minutes of my walk without plugging in, and the result was... honestly, quite profound.

How Mindful Practices Can Alleviate Pain

Twenty minutes into my walk, the deep sense of peace was hard to ignore. This quality time with myself, Source, and the present was exactly what the Universe had been asking of me.

Though I'd initially thought I would turn on a podcast 20 minutes in, when it came to it, I had no desire to. Instead, I felt pulled to work more consciously with my energy by setting a few intentions. I told myself that on my next few inhales, I would breathe in calm, light energy, and on my exhales I'd release whatever stagnant energy was still trapped within me, visualizing that energy leaving my body and flowing back into the earth.

I focused on feeling pressure release from my back and my skull as I did this. And within five minutes, my migraine had disappeared, and my back pain was reduced by roughly 50%.

As someone who lives and breathes this work, I find it funny that I am still amazed by the potency of these simple, accessible tools. Yet, I suppose the human in me just wants "proof" from time to time, and that's just natural. We all experience moments of doubt, especially when it comes to the intangible spiritual world. Playing with these practices can serve as a reminder that the intentions we set are powerful, energy is real and healing is available to us at any moment.

The Gift of Surrender and Presence

What's more, these practices are reminders of our true, limitless nature.

While, to our human self, challenges can feel so irritating, to our soul they are truly gifts—opportunities for reconnection and realignment.

When we reconnect with our innate power to heal our present self, we reinspire ourselves by remembering our capacity to bring in even more beauty to our lives at large, whether that's in the career department, the relationship department, etc.

So, if you feel overwhelmed, disconnected, or physically unwell, remember: This is a sacred cue to come back to the present, back to yourself, and back to Source. And, from there, to remember just how limitless you truly are.

For assistance, you may find more about Reiki energy healing here, or my coaching offering here.