Moving Through Insecurity for the Sake of Your Dreams

. 2 min read

When you make the choice to listen to your intuition and begin stepping onto the path of your dreams, it's... well, far less glamorous than the start of that sentence reads. In reality, while excitement is often present, there is also a lot of fear.

There's fear of failing, being judged, potential regret, and so on.

All of this is typically met with a ton of uncertainty as well. What exactly is the first step?

& then there's, in some cases, an identity crises as well.

Ai ai ai. It's not an easy time.

It's a time in which it's easy to get caught up in the ego mind that suggests you're being "crazy," that no one will support you, and that this will all be a ton of energy wasted for zero to no results.

I know this because I've been here. And I remember how extremely real all of this felt at the start of my journey. And while, yes, I believe versions of this we all move through every time we "uplevel," there is, in my experience, the fact of the matter that the first time you step onto your soul's path... well, it's the rockiest time. The reason for this being that you have no proof yet that what you're doing is going to lead anywhere. You have to rely so much so on faith, and if you don't have that, you have to borrow faith from others.

I spent over a year dabbling in coaching and then pulling myself way out of it because I'd get very overwhelmed, predominantly by my own self-talk. There was a lot of, "Seriously? Who are you to be doing this?"

In retrospect, I view this all as a part of the path. It's never perfectly linear, after all. For me, dipping in and dipping out was my way forward. But it felt rather chaotic at the time.

It took me a few more years of moving through these sorts of "experiments" with coaching before I finally just surrendered and was like, "You know what? I think it's time I really do this. I think I'm really just.. a coach, scary as that may be for me to admit / unworthy as I may feel."

What ultimately led me to this place of surrender and acceptance was a mix of a few things: trainings, certifications, and, most notably, working with a coach myself who really held space for me—space in which I could speak about myself as if I was truly this coach I had long wanted to be.

And what I've learned throughout this is that, though we can study modalities and educate ourselves on principles—and we should!—ultimately, the biggest determining factor in our success is going to be becoming conscious of our self-image, and then fine-tuning that until it matches the image of ourselves that we see in our daydreams, the you that is living the life you so desire.

This is why, for those that I work with in any facet of life, but especially for those that I work with when it comes to career, self-image psychology plays a huge role.

"Our self-image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become. We act, feel, and perform in accordance with what we imagine to be true about ourselves and our environment." -Maxwell Maltz

If you're looking to learn more about this on your own, I highly recommend Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.

If you're looking for guidance on upgrading your self-image, feel free to contact me and we can find 15-20 minutes to have a chat and see if I may be of service.

Either way, I hope this has served.

Sending love, faith, and thanks your way—the world needs more inspiring souls like you in it.
