"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." (Lao Tzu)

The North Star Podcast

Raw conversations for the deep thinkers, the old souls, the seekers—those that are looking to cut through the noise; sink into the glow of their true essence; and create a life aligned with just that, their North Star. Topics: wellness, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, 'living art,' etc. Listen here.

1:1 Inner Wellness Guidance

Reconnect with your authentic self. Integrate your self-discoveries into your everyday life to live in deep alignment. Radiate from within. Cultivate inner-peace. Curious? Let's chat to see if we're a fit.

Sit in Sacred Circle with us

Ritualize the first Saturday of your month. Meditate and connect on a deep level in a safe space with kindred spirits. Join us here.

Writing Pause Explained, blog post

"There came a point though where I had to begin to question whether I wasn’t writing so much anymore out of a sort of fear that had cropped up like invisible film, sealed the lips, frozen the pen before pen met page." Read here.

Email Me

*Questions? Send me a note at *mackenzie@mackenziebelcastro.com.


Free Breathwork Class With INWARD BREATHWORK
10% OFF Your Human Design Blueprint With Code THEPLAYHOUSE
10% OFF Alexis Smart Flower Remedies With Code THEPLAYHOUSE
Free Class With School For Integrative Nutrition, IIN